This is when you pay the minimum required monthly payment on all of your credit cards except for one. Use the majority of the money you have each month for paying down your debt on this last card. How you choose this card is up to you: Some consumers will pick the card with the lowest balance so that they can quickly pay it off. Others will choose the card with the highest interest rate so that they can eliminate their debt that grows the quickest each month.
But once you pay off your targeted card, repeat the process: Pick another card to spend most of your debt-reducing dollars on and pay the minimum on the rest of them. If you stay at this long enough, you'll eventually eliminate all of your credit card debt.
Debt Ladder Method
In the debt ladder method, you'll list all your credit cards from the one with the highest interest rate to the one with the lowest. Then, much like with the snowball method, you'll spend most of your money each month paying down the card with the highest interest rate while paying the minimum required monthly payment on the rest of your cards.
Once you pay off the card with the highest interest, you'll then move to the next card on your list, spending most of your money on that debt until it, too, is paid off.
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